Frequently Asked Questions > General ENT Questions (11 entries)
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Sinusitis is infection of the sinuses. Sinuses are bony cavities lined by a very thin membrane that normally produces mucus and other cells in the membrane have cilia or hair cells ...
The most common cause of facial pressure, pain, yellow or green nasal drainage and fever is due to a virus. This type of infection is self limited, usually lasts 7-10 days ...
“Sinus pain” may be related to the sinuses but may also be due to allergies or even migraine or other form of headache. You may start with your primary physician. If ...
Acute sinusitis is infection of a sinus(es) that has been present a few days to a few weeks. If a sinus infection occurs infrequently, amoxicillin or some other antibiotic would be ...
Your nose would be examined using a nasal speculum that opens the opening to the nose and a headlight is used for visualization. Often, a spray is then used in the ...
A CT (cat scan) of the sinuses can be done if treatment has failed or there is concern of tumor, extensive polyps are present in the nose, or if there is ...
A rigid or flexible lighted instrument is placed in the nose after anesthetic spray is used to get a better look at the opening to the sinuses and look for swelling ...
Smoking adversely affects the normal mucus flow and natural defenses of the sinuses. Smoking can contribute to recurrent sinus infections and chronic inflammation and infection. Adequate management of allergies with medication ...
Sinus surgery would be “necessary” in cases of cancer involving the sinuses or extension of infection into the eye or brain. Another reason would be to drain an infected sinus that ...
The inferior turbinates are torpedo like structures in each side of the nose, attached to the outside walls and typically is what you see if you look into your nose. The ...
Traditional sinus surgery is intended to open the natural opening or drainage site of the sinus. If there is extensive disease, the diseased sinus lining is removed also. The hope is ...